Reliable Pure Steam generation

Heat reliably kills germs. Saturated steam is therefore a convenient, safe choice for sterile medicines, loops and packaging.
Discover Pure Steam generators

Pure steam

Pure steam

A hot topic - indis­pens­able in the process

Heat reli­ably kills germs. Satu­rated steam is there­fore a conve­nient, safe choice in some appli­ca­tions. Pure Steam is vapor­ized at over 100° Celsius. Primary uses are for safe ster­il­iza­tion of primary pack­aging for sterile medi­cines, goods in ster­il­izers and auto­claves, or manu­fac­turing compo­nents that come into contact with the product. Pure Steam is also frequently required for controlled humid­i­fi­ca­tion of air in clean rooms. Pure Steam conden­sate must satisfy the same require­ments as Water for Injec­tion with regard to TOC, conduc­tivity, and bacte­rial load in accor­dance with the USP. Special require­ments regarding non-​condens­able gases, dryness, and super­heating are set out in EN 285 for steam used for ster­il­iza­tion in auto­claves.

Products for Pure Steam generation

BWT is the best choice when it comes to gener­ating Pure Steam. Compact, high-​performance systems provide ideal processes and tech­nolo­gies to consis­tently ensure the highest levels of safety.

Systems are fully tested (FAT), preval­i­dated, and docu­mented prior to delivery.

AQU@Service for Pure Steam gener­a­tors

BWT Pure Steam gener­a­tors are impres­sively reli­able and durable. AQU@Service provides maximum safety and value reten­tion.

The temper­a­tures and pres­sures during oper­a­tions place a load on membranes and seals. Sched­uled, clear replace­ment with clear docu­men­ta­tion always satis­fies customers.

Pure Steam must fulfill EN 285 require­ments for ster­il­iza­tion in auto­claves. BWT service tech­ni­cians have the knowl­edge and equip­ment to deter­mine and docu­ment steam quality.

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