

Maintain water quality throughout the whole purification process

There is no PW or WFI water gener­a­tion and distri­b­u­tion system that is sterile over the whole life­cycle. Microor­gan­isms always find a way into the plant. Either through the raw water, or during main­te­nance activ­i­ties et cetera. Sterility is tech­ni­callynot achiev­able and would generate a high effort and cost. 

Frequent sani­ti­za­tion procedures reduces the life­time of some compo­nents or even worse may result in malfunc­tion like membrane damage in a reverse osmosis which would reduce the barrier effect for microor­gan­isms and thus result in a higher bioburden of the water after this purifi­ca­tion step. The goal is not to achieve a sterile system but to keep the bioburden below specific limits. The limits are defined for the final product e.g. for WFI the limit is 10 CFU / 100ml, but there are no limits defined after each purifi­ca­tion step. As part of a cont­a­m­i­na­tion control strategy, it’s more and more impor­tant to not only prove the quality of the final product, but also to show that each step of the water purifi­ca­tion process is working within its spec­i­fied para­me­ters.

3 possi­bil­i­ties for sani­ti­za­tion

The proce­dures used are defined during the PQ phase of the commis­sioning of the plant. 
By at-​line moni­toring of the bioburden, proce­dures can be adjusted to the real needs. Unnec­es­sary or too aggres­sive sani­ti­za­tions can be avoided to protect the facility.

BWT offers solu­tions for hot water and chem­ical sani­ti­za­tion like hot water sani­ti­z­able soft­eners or Ozone gener­a­tors.

BWT Elitron

  • Hot water sani­ti­z­able for highest hygienic demands
  • Dead space opti­mized stain­less steel valve block
  • Resource-​saving thanks to coun­ter­cur­rent regen­er­a­tion
  • Stand alone or inte­grated in Osmotron PW/WFI Generators
Elitron broadway engineering

BWT Ster­itron

The STER­ITRON by BWT is designed for non-​stop use. It reli­ably and cost-​effectively ensures safety during ambient temperature storage of PW and WFI. A small flow of puri­fied water is branched off in the loop supply after the distribution pumps. This oxygen saturated purified water runs through the STER­ITRON cell, which electrolytical converts the oxygen into ozone and dissolves it in water. From there, it flows back into the loop's return flow or tank. This ensures that the stagnant water in the storage tank is contin­u­ously and safely protected by a very low concentration of ozone, the most efficient oxidation agent. The BEWADES UV unit safely removes any ozone in the supply line of the loop below detectable levels.
Pharma Pharma

BWT Bewades

Ozone is extremely suit­able for safely storing PW and WFI. The other­wise micro­bi­o­log­i­cally crit­ical storage tank is there­fore continuous safe and under control. To protect the user points BEWADES UV units from BWT destroys the ozone before it reaches the point of use via the loop, making it the perfect supple­ment to the STER­ITRON and is used as stan­dard with every BWT LOOPO C and LOOPO WFI. The disin­fec­tion effect by high UV irradiation is an addi­tional advan­tage.
Bewades UV Bewades UV

Want to know more?

Learn more about Cont­a­m­i­na­tion Control Strategy and the 4 elements of it...

